925.389.6957 Trish@trishmarmo.com

You’re so much more capable than you realize... You CAN do this!®

Fitness Moments®

As a Health and Wellness Coach, it’s no secret to me that just about the time we set our clocks forward, our New Year’s Resolutions start losing steam.


Yes, smack in the middle of New Year’s Day and the First Day of Summer, is that nebulous time we call Spring.  It’s no coincidence either, that the first day of spring falls exactly twelve (12) weeks after New Year’s and exactly twelve (12) weeks before swimsuit season!  Why does this matter?  Because that’s when the emails pour in from would-be Clients, asking for help after failing to achieve their New Year’s Resolutions!

It’s not that we don’t have good intentions, that we’re weak-willed, or that we don’t TRY hard enough, it’s that “resolutions” (aka “dreams without plans”) often miss the bigger picture. Enter the failed Resolution’s tricky sidekick:  The Challenge!

I don’t mean to imply that Challenges aren’t helpful, or that they can’t be used as a way to stay motivated.  On the contrary, a good Challenge–when properly structured– and in line with your GOALS, can be a Fit-girl Wannabe’s BEST DEFENSE against boredom, stagnation and the dreaded plateau. But “Challenges”, like resolutions, can have their pitfalls, which is why I’ve put together a list of FIVE points to consider when choosing a Challenge that is right for YOU!

Contrary to popular belief, you DON’T have to give your life a complete overhaul in order to be successful, however, if you want to overcome your challenges, here are some helpful tips to remember:

Make a commitment

I’m not talking about the idea of making a commitment.  I’m talking about truly being committed. If staying committed is an obstacle for you, finding a Challenge that offers a “fee” to participate can often help you toe-the-line.  Behavioral studies have shown that having to “pay to play” is sometimes just the nudge some people need to not only take action, but to be successful.  This makes sense when you think about the fact that most people are “risk averse”. In other words, when presented with two options, we naturally choose the one we perceive has having less risk.  While you might think that it makes sense to join a Challenge for free because you have nothing to lose, consider what your position might be if you paid to opt in?  When faced with the prospect of losing in that scenario, “anteing up” might provide the added incentive you need to stay committed.  When I participated in my first Fitness Bikini Competition, I paid my entry fees up front, so that I wouldn’t be tempted to back out of the Competition when things got tough or I felt like giving up. But “paying to play” makes sense on yet another level:  Many times people don’t want to pay to participate in a Challenge.  When you go into a Challenge with this approach, there is no commitment beyond the opportunity to win something for FREE.  This type of logic just doesn’t make sense to me. Anything worth achieving is worth working for–and as health and fitness goes, the same applies. There’s a price associated with not being healthy and it’s not a price you want to pay. A good Challenge is more than just throwing money into the pot and dieting your way to the finish line in the hopes of collecting “the PRIZE”.  Challenges should not only challenge you, they should educate you on the how-tos of making health, fitness and wellness an attainable goal.

Get Back-up

Enlisting a friend to join a Challenge with you is tantamount to making a public announcement, you know, throwing down the gauntlet. Throwing down the gauntlet, in Medieval parlance, was when a Knight or Soldier took off their “glove” and threw it down in challenge to an opponent or foe.  Making public declarations, such as joining a Challenge, can not only help us get the encouragement we need from friends and family to keep going, it can provide us with an added layer of accountability. Sometimes the desire to not let others down can keep us going even longer than we would if it was just ourselves we were accountable to– this is especially true when we’re feeling discouraged, having a tough day or feel like throwing in the towel altogether.

 Just “Do It”

We’re all familiar with the infamous Nike slogan, but there’s a practicality behind the phrase. Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu is credited with the saying, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, but the more accurate translation is, “The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one’s feet.”  Think about that for a moment.  YOU already OWN the power to change or to move onward from where you are: It begins beneath one’s own feet!” Not only does the power to change yourself rest firmly on your own feet it’s inside you.  Think of a Challenge as a fun way to take ownership of your health and wellness–AND if fitness is new for you, a great opportunity to get your feet wet! Whether you’re just starting out, just gaining momentum, or just need a swift kick in the butt, joining a Challenge can be a fun way to get you out of a rut or funk and onto looking and feeling your best!

If at first you don’t succeed…

When attempting to make changes in your life, remember:  You’re not a failure if you don’t reach your goals on the first, second, or even the third try!  Behind all the “before and after” photos on the internet are the untold stories of hard work, perseverance, and yes, even failure.  Falling down, falling short, falling on your face aren’t catastrophic events, they’re vehicles for learning and opportunities for change. When we fall down or fall short, we learn what NOT to do next time.  Imagine if toddlers quit while learning how to walk because they weren’t perfect or skilled at it–we’d ALL BE CRAWLING!!! What can make the difference between those who succeed and those who don’t, is that those who succeed don’t stop if they miss a goal or a deadline…they keep trying!!!  Joining a Challenge is a great way to be with others on the same journey!  Just like toddlers learning to walk, no two are going to master walking in precisely the same way, or even at the same time, but sharing that journey with others makes learning something new or trying something difficult, a little less overwhelming!

Get out of your “Comfort Zone”

Yes, Challenges are meant to be “challenging”, but they’re also supposed to be fun!  It can be scary or intimidating to try something new, or be a part of a group of people you’ve never met before. Choosing a Challenge Group Leader that is not only skilled, but seems invested in the group, can make all the difference.  Whether you know your Challenge Group Leader personally or not, is not as important as how well they interact with others. One key point to consider? Watch their language:  Are they encouraging?  Are they responsive?  Do they answer your questions thoughtfully? Do they evoke positive feelings and a “can-do” attitude or is it every man for themselves?! Taking the time to ask yourselves these questions can make the difference between a positive Challenge experience or a negative one.  The internet being what it is today, Challenges are often led by people in different States or even different Countries than where you live and that’s okay–health and fitness are universal.  What matters more is that you feel that the Challenge Group Leader’s goals and philosophies align with yours.

Remember, when it comes to participating in a Challenge, winning PRIZES can be great incentive, but winning PRIZES isn’t the end all be all.  Check your urges to take short cuts and set lofty expectations at the door and consider instead all that you have to gain!  Sometimes the better goal isn’t just to walk away with cash or prizes…the better goal is to walk away with something MORE–your Health and Fitness! And, if you happen to win some prizes in the process…well, who’s going to argue with that?!


Trish is not only a Health & Wellness Coach, Registered Nurse, Nutritionist and Mother of five, she’s on a one-woman mission to save the world  by inspiring and educating others to be their best selves through exercise, proper nutrition and her newly launched program Six Weeks To A Better YOU!™  Trish can be found on Facebook, Instagram and elsewhere on the internet as Fitness MOMents and aside from her day job, loves running Challenges as a way of supporting others on their fitness journeys.  If you’re looking to join a Challenge, Trish runs (on average) 3 per year, with her next challenge scheduled to offset the excesses of Halloween and Thanksgiving combined!  Comments on posts here and elsewhere are encouraged and ALWAYS welcome!

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