Growing up I always had an active imagination.Books, movies and imaginative play were my escape. One of my beloved stories/movies of all time was the The (Wonderful) Wizard of Oz and if ever there was a benevolent encourager of young women everywhere, it was Glinda,The Good Witch of the North. It always frustrated me that she didn’t do more to help Dorothy when it was apparent she needed it. I mean, c’mon, between an evil witch, enchanted trees, flying monkeys, and poppy fields–this girl had a lot of distractions and challenges constantly popping up! of course my younger self couldn’t see what Glinda could see in Dorothy: Even with all that life threw at her, she STILL had the power to change herself, she just had to look INSIDE. It’s no different for us either. You. Me. We possess that power too. Sure life sometimes throws obstacles in our paths, but if we really want to reach our heart’s desire, we only have to look inside to find our way. Yes, Dorothy was a fictional character, but the bottom line is this, YOU have the power to change yourself and it starts with the decision to TRY.
by Trish | Sep 10, 2014 | Life | 0 comments
Trish Marmo, Health and Wellness Coach, DBA Fitness MOMents® is an Amazon Affiliate. This means that when I endorse, recommend, or write a testimonial about a particular product that I use or love, I have the opportunity to earn a small commission for it. These items can be found in links to any products or services from this website. So, when I make a recommendation, it’s something I actually use or would recommend to a family member or friend. Clicking on these links does not increase your costs. Your purchases simply help support my work, my penchant for tea and let's not forget my love of chocolate...we can't forget the chocolate!