925.389.6957 Trish@trishmarmo.com

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Fitness Moments®

Cat Smiley: Canada’s Top Trainer 2007, 2008, 2009 by International Sports Science Association, Voted Whistler’s Best Personal Trainer 2012, Whistler’s Favorite Coach 2011, 2012, Named Top Ten Boot Camp Instructors Worldwide 2012, Owner of The Original Boot Camp (Canada’s first and longest running fitness boot camp), Professional Athlete 1994-2009, Nutritionist, Author, Renowned Body Transformation Specialist.

Cat Smiley: Canada’s Top Trainer 2007, 2008, 2009 by International Sports Science Association, Voted Whistler’s Best Personal Trainer 2012, Whistler’s Favorite Coach 2011, 2012, Named Top Ten Boot Camp Instructors Worldwide 2012, Owner of The Original Boot Camp (Canada’s first and longest running fitness boot camp), Professional Athlete 1994-2009, Nutritionist, Author, Renowned Body Transformation Specialist.

Ever watched a kid in the playground? They don’t know why they are running, they just, well, feel like running. Sure, it might be easy to pull yourself up on the jungle gym bars when you’re only 60 pounds, but still, you’re pulling yourself up onto the bar! That’s pretty cool when you think about it.
But somewhere along the way, that kid went turned into a middle-school student in Phys-Ed class with rules and regulations, perhaps boys who told her she wasn’t pretty and perhaps teachers who made her scared of scrapes and bruises, bug bites and sunburn. That something led to kind of a big thing – dah dah daah – we wound up inside. We work, eat, play and now exercise inside, unless it’s sunny, and hey, who can wait for sunny days?
Kids in the playground quickly grow up into adults who are scared or unsure of the world outside. My biggest passion as a personal trainer and lead hiking guide for Whistler Fitness Vacations is to take beginners outside and teach them not to be scared.


Here are my top tips

  1. Carry a first aid kit and know how to use it. If you’re trying to get your friend to go out into the woods with you, let her know you’ve got her back in case of unforeseen emergencies.

  2. Always stay within the cell phone range. Put your phone on ‘flight mode’ while hiking to save battery power, and reduce the amount of megabytes that are being stored on the device – before heading out. Videos and photos chew battery power.

  3. Help her dress properly for it. Enthusiasm turns to frustrations very quickly when people get cold, wet or damp. Bring some extra layers with you to give to her if she needs it.

  4. Don’t get lost. Like, ever. She will panic and you won’t win her back. If you do get lost, quietly get found again. This is where your cell phone comes in – get familiar with GPS apps and maps, plus have a friend to call who has done the hike before.

  5. That friend you’re going to call should also be your sign out into the woods buddy, who knows exactly where you’re going, what time you left, how many people are in your party, what route you are taking, and when you expect to come home.

  6. Pack a nice lunch and share it. Then pack another nice lunch as an emergency in case you get stuck out in the woods longer than you expected (getting lost or injuries etc).

  7. Bring home comforts, like toilet paper, bug spray, hand sanitizer, small plastic bag (for garbage) plus feminine sanitary products in your first aid kit. Things happen!

Don’t freak out your friend with all these precautions and safety back-end stuff, just let her enjoy the woods for the beauty and incredible wonders that surround her. Her resistance to going outside to hike for the most part is probably being unsure about what is out there. Once you prove to her that she’s in good hands with you, that you know what you’re doing and she doesn’t need to worry, you’ll have a new recruit hiking buddy to explore all the amazing places that this world has to offer you. It’s truly a huge gift to give someone the knowledge of nature, and make them comfortable enough to bring it into their lifestyle!
Cat Smiley has been named Canadian Trainer of the Year three times by the International Sports Science Association. She is the owner and fitness director of Whistler Fitness Vacations, http://whistlerfitnessvacations.com a weight loss retreat for women that uses alpine hiking, personal training, water exercise, strength training and nutritional education to kick start lifestyle transformation, located in B.C., Canada.  Whistler Fitness Vacations (formerly known as Cat Smiley Fat Camp) is Owned/Operated by Cat Smiley: Canada’s Top Trainer 2007, 2008, 2009 by International Sports Science Association, Voted Whistler’s Best Personal Trainer 2012, Whistler’s Favorite Coach 2011, 2012, Named Top Ten Boot Camp Instructors Worldwide 2012, Owner of The Original Boot Camp (Canada’s first and longest running fitness boot camp), Professional Athlete 1994-2009, Nutritionist, Author, Renowned Body Transformation Specialist.
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