925.389.6957 Trish@trishmarmo.com

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Fitness Moments®

The first time I tried to switch to Clean Eating I was SO overwhelmed I actually left the store empty handed!!! What was I doing wrong? Trying to put a square peg in a round hole–I was trying to find clean ingredients in PROCESSED food!


If you’re ready to take the plunge, the TOP 5 EASIEST things to do are:


1) Skip the aisles for now –shop the perimeter of your store, steer clear of colorful boxes, bags, and packages that try to entice you with words like “FORTIFIED” “ENRICHED” “LOW FAT” “LOW SALT” “LOW SUGAR”. I only go in the middle to get paper products, water bottles, and things like mustard, vinegar, olive oil, oats, rice, etc.

2) Buy fresh fruits, veggies and meats–skip cured lunch meat, canned veggies (frozen are o.k., as long as it says, Ingredients: frozen peas). Buy your food FRESH.

3) If sugar is one of the top 5 ingredients, PUT IT BACK

4) If you need an encyclopedia to understand the ingredients, PUT IT BACK

5) Buy food that spoils. If you have to put it in the fridge so it won’t grow mold, or if you know it’ll only last you three days on the shelf of your pantry, chances are it isn’t laden with preservatives, modified anything, or chemicals.


Clean Food is whole, fresh, food–plain and simple!


If figuring out how to balance the demands of motherhood and eating healthy has you feeling overwhelmed, check out my  “Ditch The Junk” Done-For-You Guide!  You’ll learn how to eat healthier, feel better and lose unwanted pounds!


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Are you looking for a convenient way to feed your family healthy meals and free up some time from your busy schedule?

My 15 clean-eating recipes are easy-to-make and can be prepared in just 30 minutes or less!

I'm going to give you:

  • 15 delicious recipes designed for the whole family--the same delicious recipes my family of seven enjoys
  • Additional suggestions on how to round out your meal with healthier-for-you side dishes
  • A beautiful, 17-page PDF that you can print or save
  • Easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions
  • Including 5 mouthwatering, guilt-free desserts, that won't increase your waistline

Sign up here to get your FREE COPY of NuTRISHous Healthy Eating Recipes

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